Thank you for your interest in partnering with hha

Doing Business with HHA
The Hagerstown Housing Authority is involved in many community housing and redevelopment projects funded primarily through grants from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) .

Our needs

What We Procure

Our typical purchases and procurements include building construction and repair services, building maintenance materials, office supplies and equipment, and administrative services.

Office Supplies and equipment

We utilize office supplies, from paper to PCs, in conducting our administrative tasks.  We are always seeking quality products at an affordable price.

Construction and repair service

We strive to keep our properties in top condition so that they are safe and welcoming for our residents and visitors.  To do this, we frequently partner with others for construction and repair services.

building and maintenance materials

The Hagerstown Housing Authority maintains 1,320 residential units to the highest standards set forth by HUD and ourselves.  To accomplish this, we regularly purchase building and maintenance materials.

business products

To achieve our mission, the Hagerstown Housing Authority is always open to exploring the latest available offerings in a diverse range of products from promotional materials to business software systems.

Administrative Services

To abide by all federal, state, and local regulations, the Hagerstown Housing Authority frequently seeks assistance from consultants, support vendors, etc.


Our Request For Proposals and Quotes

click each icon to view the request

Choice Neighborhoods Developer Consultant


The Housing Authority of the City of Hagerstown has been awarded a Choice
Neighborhood Planning Grant issued by HUD for a duration of two-years. HACH is issuing a
Request for Proposals for a Development Entity to operate as Developer Consultant to
assist with the Planning Coordinator in the development of an Transformation Plan for the
Choice Neighborhood.

Click Here to view RFP

Group Health Insurance Broker & Consulting Services


The Hagerstown Housing Authority is seeking to name a Broker of Record for the employee’s group insurance benefits and is looking for continuity of services in a rapidly changing area of employee benefits.  The Authority is interested in a broker who can offer creative, innovative approaches, with a proven track record that allows the Authority to maintain quality programs and contain or reduce costs.

Click Here to view RFP

 Click Here to view May 23, 2024  Questions and Answers


Potomac Towers SkyDeck HVAC Upgrade


The Housing Authority of the City of Hagerstown is seeking quotes from vendors to replace the HVAC system on the Potomac Towers Skydeck in its entirety


 Click Here to view RFQ




Some of Our Current Partners

terms and conditions

Our Procurement Policy

QUALITY: When manufacturing Specifications are referred to on the face of this order, such Specifications shall be deemed to be an integral part hereof as if fully set out herein. All deliveries furnished on this purchase must be of the quality specified, or in the event no quality is specified, must be of the best, and will be subject to the inspection and approval of the Purchaser. If materials are rejected the Purchases shall be writing so notify the Seller, and the Purchaser, at its option and at the expense and risk of the Seller, may either return such rejected materials to the Seller or hold them for such disposal as the Seller shall indicate.

section 3

Do you meet Section 3 guidelines?

If so, please let us know.

Section 3 is a provision of the Housing and Urban Development act of 1968, which requires that programs receiving funding under HUD provide to the greatest extent feasible opportunities for job training and employment to low income residents.

Contractors and Vendors must make a good faith effort to utilize Section 3 residents as trainees and employees and make a good faith effort to award contracts to Section 3 business concerns.

Minority & Female Business Enterprise Efforts


It is the policy of the Hagerstown Housing Authority that maximum practicable opportunity be provided to Minority & Female Business Enterprises to participate in the contracting and purchase activities initiated by the Housing Authority.

This participation may be in the form of general contracting, subcontracting, supply of materials, equipment, or as minority tenant employees of the contractor/subcontractor.

Equal Employment Opportunity

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) was established by Executive Order 11246 on Sept 24, 1965. This executive Order ensures equal employment opportunities for minorities.

Under Equal Employment Opportunity provisions, employers (Vendors/Contractors) agree to take affirmative actions to ensure and maintain a working environment free of harassment and intimidation. Also, that employees are not discriminated against because of race, sex, color, national origin or religion.

Get In Touch

11 West Baltimore Street Hagerstown, md 21740


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