C.W. Brooks
About C.W. Brooks
On July 18, 2011, a newly constructed 60‐unit elderly mid‐rise in Hagerstown, MD opened its doors of opportunity. The 60 house‐holds that reside in the C. Williams Brooks Mid‐Rise enjoy one of the first affordable Housing endeavors completed using ARRA funds. With the use of $9,879,750 Million in ARRA funds and $4,544,442 in additional funding, the building was constructed to provide high quality, affordable housing.
The construction of C. Williams Brooks is estimated to have provided 400 jobs to 40 vendors/contractors. This construction occurred during tough economic times. Over 67% of the construction and supporting services was provided by local vendors and contractors.
Another feature of the C. Williams Brooks building is the Green Communities standard that was followed during construction. A geothermal HVAC system provides energy efficient low cost heating and cooling throughout the building. The roof is a white reflective roofing which allows for less heat absorption. Engineered bamboo and marmoleum flooring was used throughout. Each apartment is equipped with energy star appliances and water saving devices. An abundance of planted trees on the property will reduce the carbon footprint. Over 31% of the materials used on the property were recycled material and over 80% of the construction waste was able to be properly recycled reducing landfill waste. Even the parking lot and driveway is made of energy efficient sun reflective concrete verses the normal black asphalt that absorbs heat.
When visiting the C. Williams Brooks building you are first greeted by a park with walking trails. The park is highlighted with a cupola recycled and renovated from the old H.L. Mills gas station that once stood where the park is located. A 3‐tiered fountain is yet another feature of the campus style community. The amenities available to the residents of the C. Williams Brooks Mid‐Rise are plentiful. The building is a smoke‐free building that features a library, fitness room, convenience store and barber/beauty salon that brings a sense of community to this 60 unit mid‐rise and the surrounding 376 unit elderly and disabled community called Potomac Towers. All units exceed the current accessibility/Section 504 and UFAS requirements with 10% of the units being fully mobility accessible and the remaining 54 units easily adaptable.
The mid‐rise, known as C. Williams Brooks, is named after the Housing Authority’s current Board of Director Chair, Carolyn Williams Brooks and her grandfather, T. Andrew Williams. Both Ms. Brooks and Mr. Williams served a combined total of 30 years as Chair of the Board of Commissioners.
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The CW Brooks building is located at 45 West Baltimore St. in Hagerstown.
Street View map: